Last week I published an article on Averting Global Warming suggesting using a shield in geostationary orbit to diminish the amount of sunlight reaching the earth.

Today I noticed that the Science Magazine website published a similar idea but using the Lagrange Point (L1) which is a point where the gravitational attraction from the Earth and Sun is equal. You can see the 5 Lagrange Points in this image, borrowed from Wikipedia (Thanks chaps- I’ll return it when I’ve finished with it).

Lagrange Points (From Wikipedia)

Great minds as they say! (“Think Alike”). I think my idea is better though for the following reasons:

  • Cost. Cheaper to chuck something into a geostationary orbit.
  • Cost 2. Material. Don’t need a ring of material stretching several hundred million miles
  • Safety. Get the Lagrange ring wrong and the earth might cool too much.